Summer School in the Netherlands


If you..:
- have an interest in Global and Reproductive Health?
- like meeting medical students from all over the world?
- would like to get to know the Dutch way of living?
- want to have an amazing time in Holland?
- don’t have any plans for July 2011?

..then join the Summer School on Global Health!


We are very proud to present to you again a very diverse educational program. This year main theme will be: Universal Aspects of Reproductive Health.
In addition to the educational program there will of course be a fantastic social program, including a trip to our beautiful main capital Amsterdam!


In short:
what: Summer School on Global Health – Universal aspects of Reproductive Health
when: 8-18 July 2011
where: University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands
costs: €465,-
requirements/levels: undergraduate medical students
course language: English
deadline for application: April 1st 2011


For more information: see attachment 


and for the application form take a look at website or contact on


 Para mais informações, clique aqui.

Lady Diana Lopes Freire Almeida - 8ºp

Lana Coelho de Oliveira e Silva - 4ºp

Ramon da Silva Souza - 5ºp

Coordenação Local de Estágios e Vivências - CLEV EMESCAM

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